Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Lovely Weekend

In my humble opinion the Fox Family really knows how to make the most of the weekend! We laugh, we play, we eat, and we relax! We got all of our the chores done early this week so we could make the most of the short two days. We enjoyed a night in Friday, a family fitness day Saturday, and a super fun night out Saturday. Though it was raining we were determined to go out and have fun. We had dinner at a little French bistro, and of course drinks at Schwarz Weiss. We were also lucky to run into many of our dear friends. And because some of us had a little too much fun Saturday night....ehhemm...husband...ehhemm...we had the epitome of a Lazy Sunday! I made a light breakfast and we spent the rest of the day in bed watching tv and movies. And no Lazy Sunday is complete without ordering a pizza and watching Dazed and Confused! Monday we were ready to hit the ground running thanks to our wonderfully relaxing weekend! We hope yours was just as great!

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