Saturday, January 26, 2013

Homemade Laundry Detergent

So I know there are tons of recipes all over Pinterest for homemade laundry soap, but this one could not have been easier. 3 ingredients...that's it. Not to mention, 3 ingredients I found in if I can find them here, you can find them anywhere!
In our household we've been trying to cut down on chemicals; in our foods, soaps, cleaning supplies..etc. Not only are we losing the chemicals, we're saving ourselves money! We're an average family of two, but our laundry detergent and fabric softener cost was close to $15 a month. Ugh! Had I known how easy it was to to make these products myself, I can't even imagine how much I would've saved in the past. Oh well, now we're saving money, and I hope your family will be able to save a little as well.
So for this super easy laundry soap you need the following ingredients:
3 TB Borax
3 TB Super Washing Soda (later I'll tell you how to turn baking soda into washing soda)
2 TB Liquid Soap (I used Dr Bronner's Castille in Peppermint)

That's it, just those 3 things. The best part... NO GRATING A BAR OF SOAP!!!
Now here's the supplies you need:
A tablespoon
Measuring Cup
1 Gallon jug
Pot to boil water
A funnel (it's helps!)

So first thing's first. If you can't find washing soda, like me, follow this easy process to turn baking soda into washing soda. Super duper easy, just involved heating the baking soda to change the crystallization. Here's the link...

Now that you have all your ingredients the process starts. And the whole process takes about 10 minutes!

Step 1: Boil 4 cups of water
Step 2: In a clean gallon jug add the Borax, soda and liquid soap (the funnel helped a lot on this one)
Step 3: Add the 4 cups of boiling water to the jug. This dissolves everything. And let cool.
Step 4: After the liquid as cooled, fill the rest of the bottle with water.

That's it! I guesstimate that this costs about .50 per gallon. Dr. Bronner's is a little expensive in Germany. But a gallon will last me at least a month. I'm sure if you used another type of liquid soap it would be cheaper. But still I think I can manage spending .50 a month on laundry detergent.

And for an organic, natural fabric softener, I've found the perfect solution.. white vinegar. Yep, that's it. And no, it doesn't leave your laundry smelling.

We have a front loading washer and dryer, and this has worked perfectly. I can't predict how it'll do with your washer and dryer, but for me, it was worth a try!

I hope you all find this useful! Save yourselves from the chemicals, and save a little money!


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