Friday, April 27, 2012

German Sushi...

Sounds strange, huh? Well, we finally found a great sushi place in Germany...only took us 16 months! Husband and I decided to have a little date night last night to Miyo for sushi. We don't have a set night each week for date night, as schedules always seem to change, but it's so nice to have {at least} one night a week when it's just the two of us! We happily stuffed our bellies and enjoyed the beautiful weather, evening, and time we spent together!

 Yummy Miso
 Nothing says Spring like tulips
 My Shake Roll
 Husband's feast!
 Pretty fountain in Boeblingen
 Yours Truly

Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Paleo Dog Treats

Like most pet owners, our pups are our babies, and saying they are spoiled is an understatement. Spending the last year and half as a housewife has allowed me to try lots of new, crafts, DIY, etc. So the dogs have really enjoyed all my treat experiments!
Our only real complaint about the pups is the occasional bad breath! I took it upon myself to create a healthy treat that would leave their breath minty fresh. Furthermore, we watch what we put into our own bodies, we should do the same for our pets. And all these stories about what's really in dog treats has got me freaked out....enter the Paleo Mint Dog Treat!

1 Tablespoon Coconut Oil
1 Cup Water
2-2 1/2 Cups Almond Meal/Flour
1/3 Cup Chopped Parsley
2 Tablespoons Fresh Mint

Preheat oven to 350 degrees. Mix water and oil. Slowly add in flour (tip: add a little flour at a time, you don't want the batter too wet or too dry, a nice dough consistency) Add in the rest of the ingredients and mix very well.  Roll out dough about 1/4 inch thick. Use a cookie cutter, or cut into strips. Bake for 35 minutes, let cool, let Fido enjoy!

This is obviously dependent on thickness and size of the cutter. The one I used is about 1 inch by 1 1/2 inches and I made 34!

These treats can be frozen and will last about 1 month unfrozen. Mint not only freshens breath, but can also soothe the stomach. Parsley also soothes the stomach and can help with joint or arthritic pain.

Enjoy this recipe! I hope all your dogs get to try this one!

 Before baking
 Trying to teach them about patience!
Finished product!

Tuesday, April 24, 2012

Paleo Yumminess

I don't believe that pumpkin is a fall/winter thing... I love pumpkin all year round! And lately I had a real hankering for something pumpkin! So I decided to try my hand at a Paleo Pumpkin bread! Here's the super easy recipe:
5 farm-fresh eggs
1/2 C. coconut milk (full fat)
1 1/2 C. 100% pumpkin (not pumpkin pie filling…)
1 tsp. baking soda
1 tsp. pure vanilla
1/2 C. coconut flour, sifted with baking soda
1-2 TBSP raw or locally grown honey (optional)
1 TBSP cinnamon
1 tsp nutmeg
1 tsp ground cloves
1 tsp ginger powder
Your choice of chopped nuts – Walnuts are best…
Coconut oil or butter for greasing your loaf pan

Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Mix all wet ingredients together in a large bowl. Sift in coconut flour, baking soda and spices. Blend together until completely combined and lump-free. Bake for in a greased loaf pan for 40 -45 minutes or until the bread if firm to touch. This recipe can be made into muffins or in a bundt pan too!

This tasted so great and filled the house with the yummy smell of pumpkin! Enjoy!

Lovely Weekend

In my humble opinion the Fox Family really knows how to make the most of the weekend! We laugh, we play, we eat, and we relax! We got all of our the chores done early this week so we could make the most of the short two days. We enjoyed a night in Friday, a family fitness day Saturday, and a super fun night out Saturday. Though it was raining we were determined to go out and have fun. We had dinner at a little French bistro, and of course drinks at Schwarz Weiss. We were also lucky to run into many of our dear friends. And because some of us had a little too much fun Saturday night....ehhemm...husband...ehhemm...we had the epitome of a Lazy Sunday! I made a light breakfast and we spent the rest of the day in bed watching tv and movies. And no Lazy Sunday is complete without ordering a pizza and watching Dazed and Confused! Monday we were ready to hit the ground running thanks to our wonderfully relaxing weekend! We hope yours was just as great!

Friday, April 20, 2012

A Foxy Week

My did this week fly-by! Not that I'm complaining! We're so excited that the weather is starting to get warm again, and hopefully we'll be back in the 60s next! This week we took advantage of the one nice evening to go play at the park, my hair stylist used me to test out the new mini crimper, got some items for our future store, laughed, snuggled and smiled!
We hope you all had a great week and a relaxing weekend!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Crafty Like a Fox

Recently I've been doing a lot of crafts and DIY projects that I wanted to share with everyone. The first has been pretty popular around the craft/DIY world as of late...the yarn wreath. I was AMAZED at how easy this project was. Take a look...

Foam wreath form (of any size)
Yarn (of any other color/texture)
Glue (I used super glue)

Start by tying the yarn around the wreath form, leaving the knot and in the back of the wreath. Continue to wrap the yarn around the wreath, making sure there  are no gaps. This can be a little time consuming, so be prepared! By the way, you can use multiple colors, or leave gaps and even paint the seen area. For me, I just like the uniform yarn look. Once you're happy with the look and the yarn is wrapped around the entire wreath, tie in a knot and cut off the excess string. That was the hard part! Now glue on the embellishments wherever your heart desires. I don't have a glue gun, so I just used super. It's really important to make sure you press the embellishments on so they stick. Lastly, choose a corresponding ribbon and tie on! Now you're done! Here's mine...

Monday, April 16, 2012

Lovely Weekend...

Since husband has switched jobs and is a M-F kinda guy now we must make the most of the short two-day weekends! This weekend we decided to spend a lot of time as a family... eating, cuddling and playing. Friday we had pizza and movie night, such a great way to wind down from a busy week. 50/50 was our movie of choice, which we highly recommend. The rest of the weekend consisted of discussing our future business, a little yard work, lots of relaxing and a Sunday date night! Husband and I are determined to try a new restaurant each week. And this week it was the yummy French restaurant Irma La Douce. We each enjoyed a four course menu with wine pairings. Such a treat! I had actually planned on taking lots of photos, but everything was so delicious and I was hungry...whoops! We followed up with a few cocktails from Schwarz Weiss and it was a perfect weekend! Hope yours was just as great!

Tuesday, April 10, 2012

Easter Weekend

Last year husband and I colored eggs, had a picnic in the flower gardens of a German castle and enjoyed a delicious, home-cooked (by me) dinner. This year we had Easter with a twist! Our friends, the Virgils, were making a Stuttgart pit-stop in the middle of their Euro trip. We loved having them, but it went by way too quickly. We enjoyed a lovely meal at Illysia am Walgraben, one of our favorite restaurants, followed by drinks at the best bar in Stuttgart, Schwarz Weiss! Easter morning we enjoyed a great brunch at a little local cafe, followed by a day filled with strolling around Stuttgart, which I must say was beautiful with all the flowers blooming. A yummy early dinner downtown was followed by drinks, relaxation and laughter at our place. And just like that, they were off bright and early Monday morning on their way to Amsterdam! We enjoyed having you both! Hope to see you again in the summer!

Monday, April 2, 2012

What a whirlwind...

The last two weeks have been crazy, hence my lack of posts. We had such an amazing visit with husband's sister and her husband. We headed off to Munich and Prague for an amazing trip, where we were fortunate enough to have my old friend, Russ, show us around the city of Prague. I can't express my gratitude to him for being an awesome tour guide and showing us places we probably wouldn't go otherwise. Thanks, Russ!
Our first time in Prague was nothing short of amazing. The food, drinks, shopping, and UNBELIEVABLE prices! The city is just gorgeous and I look forward to going back again!
After our guests left, husband headed to Naples, Italy for 6 days of work. I enjoyed the time to myself for about a day and half and then I was ready for his return!
The weather is continuing to get warmer and we're looking forward to Spring/Summer!
Bar hopping in Munich
The Beer Museum with hubs and Russ
The Astronomical Clock circa 1410